Statement on ALRC Report 142: Religious Educational Institutions and Anti-Discrimination Laws
The Australian Council for Student Voice Ltd. (ACSV) welcomes the release of the Australian Law Review Commission’s (ALRC) report, Maximising the Realisation of Human Rights: Religious Educational Institutions and Anti-Discrimination Laws.
The ACSV stands in support of the removal of the general exceptions for religious educational institutions within the Sex Discrimination Act, and the extensions of the protection from discrimination recommended by the ALRC.
All educational institutions should be places where students feel valued; where they are free to express their true selves, not face discrimination. Schools should be an environment where all individuals can reach their full potential; where students develop diverse perspectives and experiences; cultivating a culture of acceptance and understanding.
The ACSV acknowledges the importance of religious and faith-based educational institutions and communities within Australia’s modern society. These schools, their staff, and their students are champions for diversity, equality, and inclusion throughout their communities. The ACSV believes that religious schools should be able to operate in accordance with their beliefs, yet should not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.
The full report is available on the ALRC’s website.
The Australian Council for Student Voice Ltd. acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the unceded lands and waterways on which we live and learn. We offer our deepest respect to the Elders and Ancestors who have cared for this country that surrounds and sustains us, since time immemorial.
The Australian Council for Student Voice Ltd. (ACSV) brings together leaders and learners who are passionate about student voice, agency, and partnerships, through the continual sharing of knowledge and development of leading practice, working towards an education system where student voice thrives.
All enquiries should be directed to Mitch Sprague, Secretary by email:
Australian Council for Student Voice Ltd. ACN 672 202 078