2023 Student Action Projects

The Global Citizenship Student Ambassador One Year Program places students uniquely in the centre of their own learning, leveraging Student Voice and Student Agency, for a project they co-design and implement with their peers. They lead the project in their school, developing and using Leadership skills across the year.

Students as active and empowered learners, who can solve issues locally and understand those connections globally, are growing Global Citizens. As we see from PISA’s Global Competence Framework above, taking action for collective wellbeing and sustainable development is a key idea in this work.

Students are uniquely placed to understand issues they see in their own, their peers’ and their communities’ worlds. This provides authentic learning contexts and motivational learning as their projects are grounded in real-life contexts within and beyond the school.

Each group of students had an accompanying program facilitator from their school, who guided and supported them between sessions designing and implementing their projects. These facilitators took part in Professional Development through experiential learning, learning first hand how to facilitate these types of projects and support and promote Student Voice, Student Agency, Student Leadership for real-world learning.


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